Customer Testimonials

Here is what our customers say about Dingey Movers

Reviewed Dingey Movers

Dingey Movers are great. We called and had them move Our 161-year-old Barn. They lifed, moved, then dug our basement.

Reviewed Dingey Movers

I want to thank Bart and his amazing crew for raising my house!!! They are Incredible professionals and great people. Thank You!!! Dingey Movers were the best part of my post Hurricane Sandy Experience! They are Awesome!

Reviewed Dingey Movers

The Dingey crew does amazing work! Raised two of our houses in four years. Very professional and great at what they do. Thank you Dingey crew for raising us out of the flood zone! I would recommend to everyone!

Lifted and moved my house

Lifted and moved my house 40 ft on LBI to make ready for pilings. They moved with a steady pace of professionalism. Each doing his job and doing it to perfection so that the whole process was done smoothly without mistakes or moments that caused me stress as I watched from beginning to end. I will admit I was nervous as the day began not knowing what to expect with visions that everyone must have of their house toppling over or other complications. I was immediately put at ease as I realized these guys really knew their stuff!!! They were amazing!!!! If you need your house lifted Dingey Movers are the ones to call!!!!

You and your friendly crew did a great job

You and your friendly crew did a great job on raising my three story home on Barnegat Bay. Thank you so much. I will highly recommend Dingey Movers to anyone who needs to lift their home. It was almost stress-free!! Again thank you, for doing such a great job on my home.

Best people honest and very nice

Best people honest and very nice I appreciate you making it right with my car I hope and pray our day gets better and even better tomorrow. I am forever thinkful to your company and I will put your name out on Facebook to help grow your business.

They raised our barn

They raised our barn so we could put a new foundation under it in 2011. They did an amazing job!

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Since 1947 there is no job too large or small for Dingey Movers